Biggest Issues with the Election Right Now

Biggest Issues with the Election Right Now

JB discusses “A Bold Plan for America” on “Spanning the State” with Kristin Brey. He presents nonpartisan, fact-based solutions to key U.S. challenges like the national debt, healthcare reform, and government simplification. Drawing from his business experience, JB offers practical approaches to national policy issues. He emphasizes addressing real problems with actionable solutions, moving beyond…

Conclusion of A Bold Plan

I wrote the book and recorded the Podcast because I am a frustrated American Citizen, and I want to be part of the solution. The biggest problem in our democracy is that our citizens are not educated on the issues that really matter. Hopefully, this podcast has increased your knowledge of the real problems that…

Simplify the Tax Code and Balance the Budget

In this episode, JB discusses the need to simplify the U.S. tax code and balance the federal budget. Burke highlights how a simplified, 10-page tax code would increase fairness and transparency while reducing loopholes exploited by the wealthy. He also shares actionable solutions to cut spending and increase revenue, offering a detailed blueprint for a…

5 Key Issues No Candidate is Talking About

While politicians trade soundbites, JB exposes five critical issues candidates are afraid to touch: Government union reform Carbon tax implementation America's obesity crisis Social Security's “cap” problem Gun law changes Burke argues these issues require leadership from candidates and sacrifices from various groups, including political parties, unions, and wealthy individuals. He emphasizes the need for…

Reform Campaign Finance

From the staggering $425 million spent on a single Senate race to candidates dedicating half their time to fundraising, our democracy is being auctioned to the highest bidder. In this episode, JB proposes banning donations from organizations and out-of-state contributors in state elections. Explore why campaign finance reform is essential to restoring the integrity of…

Embrace the Immigration Advantage

Immigration has been a key driver of America's success, with immigrants contributing significantly to the economy and innovation. In this episode, JB highlights the importance of embracing immigration as an advantage, rather than restricting it, while ensuring border security. A balanced approach can strengthen the nation's future that would benefit the U.S. both economically and…

Was Tim Walz the Right VP Pick for Harris?

In this episode, JB gives his thoughts on Kamala Harris picking Governor Tim Walz as her running mate. We go over: Tim Walz's qualifications Was it a good pick? Walz vs. Shapiro Harris and Walz's speeches in Philly What JB is looking for in a candidate To download your free copy of A Bold Plan…

Fix the Legal System

There are some uncomfortable truths lurking within the American justice system. The U.S. legal system has significant flaws that we need to address. In this episode, JB breaks down the hard facts and presents a range of bold solutions. Whether you're a legal insider or an everyday citizen, this episode will reshape your understanding of…