Rebuild America
- James M. Perry
President Eisenhower … gave the nation its biggest construction project, the huge interstate-highway program that changed the shape of American society and made possible the expansion of the suburban middle class.
”The Facts
- Our Nation's infrastructure is rated a cumulative C- by the American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Our roads are not as safe as they should be. The American motor vehicle crash death rate per 100,000 population is about two times that of Canada and three times that of Denmark and Holland.
- The gas tax has not been raised since 1993, while inflation has increased by 113 percent in that time.
The Solutions
- Send to Congress the Eisenhower Two Transportation Act of 2025. The proposed legislation will provide the resources to significantly upgrade our current transportation system and pay for it.
A Bold Plan For America
The importance of an informed citizenship has never been higher than in today’s environment of misinformation. In this book, I’ve broken down America’s 14 biggest problems and provided nonpartisan, fact-based solutions on how we can solve them.